3rd Set Smiles

Implant-Retained Dentures

Implant-retained dentures at 3rd Set Smiles

Implant-retained dentures

Dental implants are used as anchors for dentures and keep them from slipping or moving.  The dentures snap on the implants, but can still be detached for cleaning. 

Implant-retained dentures are usually recommended over conventional dentures if you are a candidate.   If you have enough bone and are in pretty good shape medically, then you may be a good candidate for implant-retained dentures.  Most people will be candidates for at least one implant-retained denture (usually the lower teeth), and many will be candidates for upper and lower implant-retained dentures.

If you have questions, book an appointment online or call us at 480-334-2752.  We can help you decide what option fits your needs best. Each person’s needs are different.