3rd Set Smiles

Immediate Dentures

Immediate Dentures at 3rd Set Smiles

Immediate dentures – An immediate denture is a complete denture or partial denture inserted on the same day, immediately following the removal of natural, decayed teeth that cannot be saved.
Several follow up visits will be needed for adjustments and re-fitting of the denture because it will become loose during the healing process. Approximately 6 months after extractions, and after the tissues have healed and shrinkage of the underlying bone has occurred, the immediate denture must be finalized by a permanent reline or new denture.
There are several advantages of an immediate denture. The most important advantage is that you will never need to appear in public without teeth. It is also easier to duplicate the shape, color and arrangement of your natural teeth while some teeth are still in your mouth. When an immediate denture is inserted at the time of extraction, it will act as a Band-Aid to protect the tissues and reduce bleeding. An immediate denture will allow you to establish your speech patterns early. It will also allow you to chew better than without any teeth and minimize facial distortion that may occur when teeth are removed.
The biggest disadvantage of an immediate denture is the increased cost. Also, initially, an immediate denture does not always fit as accurately as a conventional denture, which is made after the tissues have healed for 6 to 8 weeks following extractions, and without wearing a denture. Modifications will be made to your Immediate Dentures as your healing progresses. You will be very pleased with your final results.
If you have questions, book an appointment online for a consultation or call us at 480-334-2752. We are here to talk to you about what option fits your needs best. We know each person’s needs are different.