3rd Set Smiles

Fixed Denture Prosthetic

Full Arch Fixed Denture Prosthetic at 3rd Set Smiles

Full arch fixed denture prosthetic

A fancy way of saying “replacing all your teeth with a long bridge that is held in place by 4 or more implants”. This is a really good treatment for patients that want their teeth to feel like they are a part of them.

This type of denture is held in place with medical grade screws.  The teeth are made with a strong material such as zirconia. These dentures are about as close to getting another set of teeth as there is. Improved function is a big advantage of Full Arch Fixed Denture Prosthetic over the previous options. It is also the most labor intensive, and expensive option due to the cost of materials and precision required to make these dentures work correctly. It’s a great treatment, but like the others, it isn’t for everyone.

If you have questions, book an appointment online for a consultation or call us at 480-334-2752. We are here to talk to you about what option best fits your needs. Each person’s needs are different.