If you are missing one or more teeth, a dental bridge can offer an effective, lasting solution to restore both function and appearance. A dental bridge is a fixed restoration, which means it stays securely in place, unlike removable options. This treatment uses two or more dental crowns to anchor an artificial tooth or teeth in the space left by missing teeth, effectively filling the gap in your smile. These crowns, custom-crafted to match the natural shape and color of your teeth, are placed on adjacent natural teeth or implants, ensuring the bridge is stable, comfortable and blends seamlessly with your smile.
Dental bridges do more than improve your smile. They also:
- Help maintain oral function and prevent potential complications caused by tooth loss. When you lose a tooth, nearby teeth may shift over time, affecting your bite alignment and making it difficult to chew or speak comfortably. By filling in the gap, a bridge helps keep surrounding teeth in place, preserves the natural alignment of your bite, and supports the structure of your jaw.
- Restore your ability to eat and speak with confidence. Without all your teeth, certain foods may be difficult to chew, and you may notice changes in the way you speak. A bridge allows you to enjoy your favorite foods again without discomfort and speak clearly without worrying about gaps.
- Enhance your facial structure. When a tooth is missing, the jawbone in that area can begin to deteriorate over time, which can change the shape and appearance of your face. A bridge provides necessary support to maintain the volume and symmetry of your face, contributing to a more youthful appearance.
Our dentist and team will guide you through the entire process of getting a dental bridge, ensuring that you are comfortable and informed at every step. Most bridges are completed in just a couple of visits. During the initial appointment, we will prepare the supporting teeth, take precise impressions and place a temporary bridge to protect the area while your custom bridge is created. Once ready, the final bridge will be adjusted and permanently cemented for a secure, natural-looking fit.
If you are considering a dental bridge in Tempe, Arizona, we are here to answer any questions you may have and to help determine whether this option best suits your smile goals. Contact 3rd Set Smiles at 480-334-2752 today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Matthew Phillips and learn more about restoring your smile with a dental bridge.